The annual membership fee is due and payable on September 1 of each year. This entitles paying members to all rights and privileges of membership as published on the Club’s website.

A “former member” who wishes to rejoin the club after January 1 will be required to pay the full year membership fee.

The fee is $65 per person or $32 if you are a full-time student. (If you are a full-time student, please bring verification, e.g. student card, to our next meeting.)

If you do not wish to continue your membership please send an email to our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indicating that you wish to be removed from the membership list.
Membership payment options:

1. e-transfer
2. Cheque by Mail
3. In Person at a meeting by cash or cheque 


e-Transfer Instructions:
Log into your bank account and e-transfer your membership renewal payment to:
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
1. In the e-transfer message area please include your name and the name of anyone else included in this payment.
2. In addition if any of your contact information needs to be changed please send an email to the membership director.

Cheque by Mail Instructions:
1. Make the cheque  payable to the Northumberland Photography Club.
2. On the memo line please print your name and the name of anyone else included with this payment.
Mail the cheque to:  NPC Membership Director, ℅ Box 174, Colborne, ON K0K 1S0.